Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit

If I'm being honest, being unemployed has been pretty hard. I went from having a stressful job, filled with challenges, deadlines and an endless list of tasks marked urgent, to having entire days yawning in front of me with absoloutely nothing to fill them with. At first I tried to adopt the attitude that "finding a job was my new job", unsurprisingly that endured for the first three days by which time I'd applied for every job I wanted and many, many more that I definietly did not want! Hours swelled and my sense of dejection and failure ballooned.

One day I woke up and was convinced that I'd never get a job. EVER. Because I was crap and everyone knew it. It was all rather illogical and utterly unacceptable. Thankfully, soon after this black morning I stumbled upon an old copy of Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson. Hallelujah! This book is marvellous; hilariously refreshing, thought provoking in its bizarreness and (it's most invigorating glory) related by a woman uncompromising in her loyalty to herself.

Just when I needed to I heard...

It was a timely kick up the arse. I promptly quit whining and set about finding a boat (not literally - I'm land locked). Nobody was going to give me a job, I had to earn a job! In addition it was high time I stopped applying for every job I heard about and rather fixed my sights on the abundant potential that exists in every. Single. Day. My success could be mine to claim. Thank you Jeanette, oranges, most definitely, are not the only fruit.


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