Brussel sprouts are the highlight of every Christmas for me! Yes, they even trump presents (no pun intended). So I was naturally horrified when the Gentleman referred to them as "the devil's testicales." Whaaaaat?! How dare he insult these shrivelled globes of glory. I promptly set about changing his mind, this is the recipe that won him round.
Chop your sprouts in half, keeping any of the outer leaves that fall off. In a pan warm some coconut oil over a low heat, you'll need enough to well cover your sprouts. To the pan add 2tbs of grated ginger, 1 crushed garlic clove and 0.5tsp of ground coriander. Heat it nice and gently for about 5 minutes. Taste it and decide if its tangy enough, keep in mind that sprouts are strong little blighters so you might need more ginger and coriander (depending on how much you want to camouflage them!) Toss your sprouts into the pan and let them soak up the mixture. Transfer the whole lot to a baking tray and roast them on a high heat for 15-20 minutes, leave them alone except for a rattle halfway through. I like to sprinkle over the loose leaves 5 minutes before they're ready, they crisp up wonderfully!
Successfully disguised sprouts!
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