Ah beetroot! Definitely one of the glories of our summer veg patch, mostly because they are CRAZY easy to grow! Yet sadly, for most people, the word beetroot conjures images of crinkle-cut slices of vinegar soaked, soggy islands, marooned in a seeping pink tide. My grandmother ruined many an afternoon tea by loading my plate with these putrid entities and rendering everything (my face, hands and tshirt included) scarlet. But no more! Beetroot has a really long season (meaning they're cheap and tasty for ages) and are at their best right now! Grate 'em, roast 'em, crisp 'em. Just don't bloody pickle 'em! Here's why...
1. They will fight cancer like mo'fo
These knobbly little roots are also filled with antioxidants all of which do a pretty good job of getting toxins the hell out of your lovely little body! Betacyanin, in which beetroot is especially high, is particularly important in this process. So important that it has been known to shrink tumour size, trials are underway in the US.
2. They're bloody good for you
Thanks to their nitrates they lower your blood pressure and yes, you should be concerned about your blood pressure, even you skinny young man! Although maybe you'd be more interesed in the other benefits associated with improving a man's circulation? Uh-huh, thought so, tuck in gents. Continuing the sex theme, it is packed with boron - something guys and gals both need in order to produce sex hormones.
3. They're dementia's nemesis
By helping to keep your blood flowing it keeps your brain fed with oxygen, which helps keep it in tip-top condition. Beetroot have been proven to stave off dementia in older people. Perfect snack before the pub quiz then!
4. They're woman's best friend
Beetroot is filled with folic acid which is essential during pregnancy. Oh you're not pregnant? Hush and eat your beetroot, you need to build up your store of FA in the years pre-pregnancy. Oh you don't plan on ever being pregnant? Hush and eat your beetroot, they are also packed with silica which your body needs to process calcium which in turn will make your bones strong and prevent osteoporosis. It's like a lovely circle of health really. Lastly they are a wonderful source of iron and are even used in the treatment of anaemia.
5. Their anti-inflammatory properties
These foods are deflators! Great for those who suffer from/are at risk of artheritis since it causes swelling (resulting in pain) around the joints. If you live here in Ireland you've probably been in this demographic since you were a fetus, thanks to our not-so-tropical climate, so go feast!
So maybe I lied and there are more than five reasons but the moral of the story remains the same EAT THE BEETROOT. In fact eat their leaves too because they've just been found to be about the most nutritious thing on the planet!
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