Sunday, 4 January 2015

Emergency Feeds; when Sudden Starvation sets in.

Confession: I commit Emergency Feeds on an almost daily basis! They hapen when I'm so hungry that I can't contemplate anything but FOOD. If I'm prepared, this isn't a bad thing because I'll be topping up on something that will love me back, if I'm not prepared it means I'll be shovelling two Snickers and a packet of crisps down my neck. For the pious amongst us, this looks and feels as unattractive as it sounds!

So how to avoid the need for an Emergency Feed? The obvious answer from the pious amongst us is to eat small amounts of perfectly balanced food at regularly scheduled times during the day, not good if you aren't an infant being weaned!

The rest of us should try this...

1. Drink enough water - constantly sipping water keeps your appetite alarms workings, lots of people confuse thirst for hunger and thus engage in Emergency Feeds accordingly. When you're properly hydrated you're less at risk of the belief that you're experiencing sudden starvation!

2. Snack packs - keeping portions of non perishable, clean snacks handy lets you conduct an Emergency Feed properly. For me these snacks HAVE to be something crispy or crunchy - protein shake won't cut it. What can I say? I like to really chew my food. And it physically feels like a biscuit! #MindGames

3. Maximise meal times - I know some nutritionist recommend eating every two hours and others constantly graze on fruits but most jobs can't accomodate this stlye of eating (and it sounds like a chore!). Practically every teacher, nurse, entrepreneur and full time parent I know works straight through meal times. Not good! It's essentially scheduling an Emergency Feed for later in the day, not to mention the damage it does to your metabolism and mood. Your body need to know your eating (not gulping!) so take 20 minutes to stop and chew!

In support of my Eliminate Emergency Feeds campaign I'll be posting a series of clean & lean snacks to prepare ahead and help keep us away from the 'convenience' aisle!


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