Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Something to make quinoa edible

It has taken me sooooo long to accept quinoa. Empires have risen and fallen in less time! Until recently I just found it such a noxious, smug, self satisfied grain. And yes before you ask I do have a tendency to personify my meals! Unfortunately because quinoa is an excellent source of plant protein and there's only so many lentils a girl can eat I knew it was time to branch out. But UGH! It looks like frog spaw and tastes (I imagine) just like to too!

Luckily, I have stumbled upon a remedy - parsley pesto. Add two good handfuls of parsley, half a garlic clove (you don't want to smell like your lunch all day), a handful of almonds and a squeeze of lemon to a fast running blender. When it's become a pulse slowly add olive oil (or coconut) until it reaches a consistency you find edible. I keep mine chunky because I like a bite, and honestly, it disguises the quinoa better! Both parsley and almonds have excellent anti-oxidant properties (parsley contains them and almonds activate them) which is an added bonus!

There is no image for this recipe because quite honestly, it looked like frogspawn had been mushed into grass then scraped on to my plate and I'm really not dedicated enough to this blogging business to spend hours making the images 'just so'. You'll just have to trust me that it was yummy! It's equally yummy with coriander or a mix of both herbs.

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